We are... EVIMA!
We are the East Village Independent Merchants Association! We are here and we are united. Our overarching mission is to create a strong and diverse business environment that sustains the unique character of our neighborhood and serves the East Village Community. #vivaeastvillage
Find out more...

Veselka, E 9th Street

Tompkins Square Park

Ray's Candy Store, Ave A

E 12th and Loisaida Ave

Veniero's, E 11th Street

La Plaza Cultural, Loisaida Ave

La Mama Experimental Theater Club, E 4th Street

Casa Adela, Loisaida Ave

Tompkins Square Park

Nuyorican Poets Cafe, E 3rd Street

Pageant Print Shop, E 4th Street

Avenue B Open Street

Dual Specialty Store, Milon, Panna, 1st Ave

B Cup, Ave B

La Plaza Cultural Free Library, 9th Street